Modern Homes 5 (モダン住宅5) モダン住宅5

Content ID:2108759

  • 1
  • 580 GOLD

Manuscript Size for commercial issue
Resolution 600 dpi
basic expression color Monochrome
Creating with clip studio EX

The lineart is vector.
You can change the line from the brush shape of the tool property of the object to your choice.
The lines are finished with the textured pen that is included by default.

The gradelayer is selection and finished with an airbrush.

selection and perspective ruler can be deleted if you don't need them

For the gradient for manga at night, the mask is blurred with an airbrush.
The effect range of the layer property has been changed to "mask image" and the tone has been changed to "Yes".
As long as you use it yourself, there has never been a problem, but the "Gradient for Manga" layer may cause moiré during output Thailand, so please check it when using it.
原稿サイズ 商業誌用
解像度   600dpi
基本表現色 モノクロ

オブジェクトのツールプロパティの ブラシ形状からお好みの線に変更できます。
線はデフォルトで入っている ざらつきペンで仕上げています。




Content ID:2108759

Published : 28 days ago

Last updated : 28 days ago

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フォローありがとうございます(*´▽`*)素材がドロップしないなど素材が使えない場合(ご使用のパソコンの不具合かと思われます)こちらではわからないのでセルシスさんのほうにお問い合わせをお願いします。日本語以外の言語は読めません・・・ I don't understand languages other than Japanese.