Two-color printing style processing auto action (2色刷り風加工オートアクション) 2色刷り風加工オートアクション

Content ID:2108492

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  • 80 GOLD
  • 150 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a auto action material that can process two-color printing style plate deviation (color shift) on illustrations.

You can easily change the mood of the illustration, so please use it for finishing processing.
You can also use the noise effect in the auto action to add a little retro feel.

■ Number of materials included
auto action set ☓ 2 points
There are 26 types of auto action in each set.

The auto action of the [Two-color printing style processing / weaker] plate has a less strong plate shift than the normal version.
(↓ This image uses the normal version on the left and the weaker version on the right, respectively)

■ Can be used for both color / black and white illustrations ◎
(2024/08/22 Operation confirmed)

At the beginning of the □ auto action, [Merge copies of visible layers] is performed.
Be sure to make sure that there are at least two visible layers in the layer palette and that the visible layer is selected before playing the auto action.

While the □ auto action is playing, the Noise Effect Settings dialog appears.
Change the noise intensity and color mode to your liking.
If you don't want the noise effect, set the number to 0 and click "OK".

▲ The intensity of the noise effect used in the sample image above is unified at [10.00].
In addition, the color mode of the noise is [Color] for the illustration on the left and [Gray] for the right.

□ auto action If you feel that the overall color has become too light or too assertive after use, it is recommended to lower the opacity of the layer after processing, change the layer mode, etc., and adjust it on top of the layer before processing◎


Thankfully, since I started posting materials, I have received several inquiries about the existence of SNS accounts, so I belatedly opened an X (formerly twitter) account.

(There is also a link to CLIP STUDIO PROFILE)

I think it will be low, but we plan to post mainly about the release of materials and the progress of production.
I would like to raise the illustration from time to time, so
If you are interested, please follow us.



■ 収録素材数


■ カラー/白黒イラストどちらにも使用可能◎
(2024/08/22 動作確認済み)

□ オートアクションのはじめに【表示レイヤーのコピーの結合】が実行されます。

□ オートアクションの再生中に、ノイズ効果の設定ダイアログが表示されます。


□ オートアクション使用後、全体的に色が薄くなりすぎた・または主張が強すぎると感じる場合には加工後のレイヤーの不透明度を下げたり、レイヤーモードを変更するなどし、加工前のレイヤーに重ねて調整するのがおすすめです◎





Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

・Updated thumbnails and sample images. ・ Partially corrected the material description (2024/08/29) ・ Partially corrected the explanatory text about the range of material usability. (2024/08/22) ・サムネ、サンプル画像を更新


Content ID:2108492

Published : 26 days ago

Last updated : 18 days ago

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■趣味でつくった素材を公開しています(素材の動作確認:PC版クリスタEX/最新バージョン)。DL、いいね、ギフトやメッセージ等いつもありがとうございます☺️💙 ■※公開中の素材は、予告なく全削除・収録素材の一部内容変更・値段変更・GOLDのみでの販売へ移行などさせていただくことがございます。 何卒ご了承下さい※ ■現在、素材制作のリクエストは受け付けておりません。