LDK(団地14畳 typeA) (LDK(団地14畳 typeA)) LDK(団地14畳 typeA)

Content ID:2107242

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

LDK (Living, Dining and Kitchen).

It is a common retro apartment complex floor plan. (It is a Thailand renovated Japanese-style room)

It is a compact size of 14 tatami mats.

* The difference between [typeA] and [typeB] is above ↑※

※This material is [typeA]※






material マテリアル

  • Normal (no ambient light) ノーマル(環境光なし)
  • grey グレイ
  • Gray (untextured) グレイ(テクスチャなし)

disposition 配置

  • all 全て
  • Kitchen side キッチン側
  • Living room side リビング側
  • No right side 右面なし
  • No left side 左面なし
  • No front 前面なし
  • No back 背面なし

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • door ドア
  • doorknob ドアノブ
  • Large window (living room) 窓大(リビング)
  • Window Large (Living Room)_Key 窓大(リビング)_鍵
  • Small window_left (living room) 窓小_左(リビング)
  • Window Small (Living Room)_Key 窓小(リビング)_鍵

Content ID:2107242

Published : 26 days ago

Last updated : 26 days ago

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