2色水彩Calligraphyペン (2色水彩Calligraphyペン) 2色水彩Calligraphyペン

Content ID:2106292

  • 1,181

It is a calligraphy pen that mixes two colors of < drawing color like watercolor> <描画色の2色が水彩のように混色するカリグラフィーぽいペンです>

It is a calligraphy pen in which the main color and sub color of the drawing color are mixed by pen pressure.
For color handwriting.
If the pen pressure is strong, main color if the pen pressure is weak, the sub color will be reflected.

The color can be changed, so please use your favorite color ~.

border of watercolor are attached. If you do not need it, uncheck "border of watercolor" in the tool property.

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Content ID:2106292

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

桜塚shinobu's profile Go to profile

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