Gothic Desk & Chair (ゴシックデスク&チェア) ゴシックデスク&チェア

Content ID:2105512

  • 79
  • 90 GOLD
  • 1,000 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A set of desks, chairs and tables with Gothic design.

The desk is the size of one person and the table is the size that can be used by multiple people.
There are three colors: (1) bra yes (2) black (3) white.
There are 5 types of layouts, which are described in detail in explanations and usage examples.

Number of polygons One chair is 4352, one table is 4476 and one desk is 4476.

This is an arrangement of the colors and designs of the chairs and tables used in the Gothic Library.
Prices are subject to change.


ポリゴン数 チェア1脚は4352、テーブル1台が4476、デスク1台が4476です。


* The image above is an example of the work. Please note that nothing other than a desk, chair or table is included.


material マテリアル

  • Brown Brown
  • Black Black
  • White White

disposition 配置

  • Chair Chair
  • Desk Desk
  • Desk&chair Desk&chair
  • Table&2chairs Table&2chairs
  • Table Table

Content ID:2105512

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 14 days ago

成哉(なるや)'s profile Go to profile

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