Workspace I made to get more out of my big tablet. (2560×1440px)
I use it to make Illustrations.
I found it works well for these Resultions:
2048×1080px (might need adjustments)
I couldn't test other resolutions though.
The Sub View Window, as well as Brush size is freely movable and dockable.
This also gives me more space to acess sub tool settings and see more of my layers. When I don't need them I simply minimize them.
Also Changes a few shortcuts that I found to be useful on a larger screen:
"insert" fills the canvas or selection
"insert" fills the canvas or selection
"ctr + f" flips the entire canvas horizontal
"ctr + shift + f" flips the selection or selected layer horizontal
"ctr + shift + f" flips the selection or selected layer horizontal
"k" lets you move the layer