Pile of 3D Japanese Binding Books (3D和装本の山) 3D和装本の山

Content ID:2104059

  • 16,257
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a Japanese binding book stacked in 3D.

It will be a set of 20 Japanese-bound booklets.
The stacking method can be selected from layout preset with or without variation.


● No variation

All books are movable one by one.
You can also take it in your hand and adjust the number of stacks.

Three types of materials are included: color, white (black only for the binding string), and full white.
It can be switched from material preset.

Below, LT conversion is performed in color version.

Normally, there is a border between the cover and the contents of the book.
A simple version is also recorded so that the lines do not collapse when in the distant view or the drawing screen.
(The left in the figure below has a border between the normal cover and the contents / the right has no border)
You can switch between normal and simple from the layout preset, so please use it according to the situation.

Please use it for Japanese-style stage rooms, study rooms, library rooms, etc., such as liveliness in the background, reading, and research scenes.

"3D Japanese binding (content ID: 2029024)" that allows you to open books and adjust the position of the title is also being distributed.
Please use it according to your purpose.

Material prices are subject to change without notice. Please note.











material マテリアル

  • color color
  • white white
  • fullwhite fullwhite

disposition 配置

  • normal01 normal01
  • normal02 normal02
  • simple01 simple01
  • simple02 simple02

Update history

2024/08/03 Material adjustment, simple version added 2024/08/03 マテリアル調整、シンプルバージョン追加

Old version

Content ID:2104059

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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フリーランスデザイナー。ポーズ素材、3D素材などをアップしています。 アダルト素材は「アカウント情報」→「コンテンツフィルター」を無効にしてご覧頂けます。 Twitterで更新情報、FANBOXでポーズの配置データも公開中。Japanese Only.