Pen with connected lines (線がつながるペン) 線がつながるペン

Content ID:2101119

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It is a pen that can draw with long lines connected.
Please use it for monotonous line drawings such as backgrounds and outlines.

It's hard to draw a long line, isn't it? (+_+)
When used in vector layer, it connects small gaps between lines.

▲ If the lines do not connect well,
Please try increasing the value of "vector magnet" in "tool property"

* The default setting is "show indicator" and the upper limit is "40", so
Please change it to "show slider" and increase the number.

・ I am not good at detailed expressions, it is for long monotonous lines
・ If you make the value too strong, it will lead to a strange place, so please try drawing it several times.
・ If you apply "vector line monotony" to the finish, it will be a cleaner line.




Pen with connected lines 線がつながるペン

Update history

7/24 Added explanation for those who do not connect well 7/24 上手くつながらない方向けに説明を追記しました

Content ID:2101119

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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