Soldier_Insignia 2 (군인_계급장2) 군인_계급장2

Content ID:2100735

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Korean military sergeant, sergeant, sergeant, sergeant, lieutenant 한국 군인 하사, 중사, 상사, 원사, 중위

Sergeants, sergeants, sergeants, and sergeants have gold rank insignia
The lieutenant is silver.

It wasn't included because the color addition wasn't enough.
하사, 중사, 상사, 원사는 계급장이 금색
중위는 은색입니다.

색상 추가가 미흡해서 포함되지 않았습니다.

soldier 군인

Content ID:2100735

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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