Ryokan Room 3D (旅館の部屋 3D) 旅館の部屋 3D

Content ID:2099891

  • 34
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D material of the room of the inn.

Small items, furniture, fusuma, shoji screens, etc. in the room can be moved with manipulator.

From the layout presets, you can hide the walls.
Various patterns are registered.




material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • See all 全て表示
  • Entrance side OFF 入口側OFF
  • 襖側OFF 襖側OFF
  • Shoji side OFF 障子側OFF
  • Tokoma side OFF 床の間側OFF
  • Wide Edge OFF 広縁OFF
  • Show wide edges only 広縁のみ表示
  • Wide edge + shoji 広縁+障子
  • Ceiling OFF 天井OFF
  • Entrance and fusuma side OFF 入口・襖側OFF
  • Fusuma and shoji side OFF 襖・障子側OFF
  • Shoji and Tokoma side OFF 障子・床の間側OFF
  • Tokoma and entrance side OFF 床の間・入口側OFF

Content ID:2099891

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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