sound effect Folder (描き文字フォルダ) 描き文字フォルダ

Content ID:2096955

  • 28

It's a layer template for yourself.
Add one folder for sound effect.

The layer configuration is as follows.
All layers are vector layer. Please customize the details.
  1. sound effect Folder
    1. Black + white border
      1. layer
    2. White letters + black border + white border
      1. layer
    3. Character + blur edge
      1. Layers for blacks
      2. White text layer

  1. 描き文字フォルダ
    1. 黒字+白フチ
      1. レイヤー
    2. 白字+黒フチ+白フチ
      1. レイヤー
    3. 字+ぼかしフチ
      1. 黒字用レイヤー
      2. 白字用レイヤー

Content ID:2096955

Published : 7 months ago

Last updated : 7 months ago

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