Time-saving fur (時短ファー) 時短ファー

Content ID:2095236

  • 22
  • 10 CLIPPY

When I don't have time, I finish the fur quickly. 時間が無いときファーをサクッと仕上げます。

With one stroke, something that looks like fur comes out. (Please blur or add to the tip)
It can also be used as a king's cloak or a little prop.

It is suitable for distant views, but it is okay to close range by adding contrast or reducing the thickness.


You can adjust the fineness of the fur.


If you put a color on a color burn layer, etc., the colored fur will be completed.

(Not in the image above, but if you process it with unsharp for the finish ◎)

"border of watercolor"

A border of watercolor version is also available for color comic drawing styles. Feel free to change the values.










Time-saving fur 時短ファー

Content ID:2095236

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

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