3D Japanese Fantasy Great Hall (3D 和風ファンタジー 大広間) 3D 和風ファンタジー 大広間

Content ID:2094045

  • 24
  • 1,800 GOLD
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a huge space that can be used for Japan-style fantasy.

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In the case of modern times, sozairoten.gendai Taisho roman is sozairoten.troman Shrines and temples related are sozairoten.jinja For Japanese things, sozairoten.wa Jidaigeki, etc. are sozairoten.edo Showa is sozairoten.showa cyberpunk is sozairoten.cyber Fantasy related to sozairoten.fantasy Buildings are sozairoten.tatemono


現代の場合はsozairoten.gendai 大正浪漫はsozairoten.troman 神社仏閣関連はsozairoten.jinja 和物の場合はsozairoten.wa 時代劇などはsozairoten.edo 昭和なものはsozairoten.showa サイバーパンク系はsozairoten.cyber ファンタジー関連はsozairoten.fantasy 建築物はsozairoten.tatemono

It is a large hall that can be used for Japan-like atmosphere, countries with oriental images, stories, etc.
I think it can be used in various ways, such as an audience hall in a castle with a throne, temples, passages, etc.

It can be used not only for fantasy things, but also for cyberpunk and modern things. It can be used as some kind of facility (religion, cult, fighting hall, laboratory).

It is made assuming the inside of a fairly large building with many huge pillars.
The size will be about this, but please change the size and adjust it appropriately.

The floor is plain. I think that you can create a better atmosphere by combining this with your flooring material and ground material as appropriate.

The entrance is lined with four huge large doors.

Since the door is object separately, it will be manual, but it can be moved. The door is intended to open to the outside.

Columns and beams (there are upper and lower settings) are object separately, so you can hide them.
Each pillar is object separately. * Excluding pillars embedded in the wall
The platform (chancel) in the back is also object separately, so it can be hidden. By removing pillars, etc., you can create a spacious Japanese-style building space as shown above.

If you remove the upper and lower beams, you will see a further spread.

I think it can also be used for a historical scene or a little background.

You can change the position of the left and right walls to use it like a Japanese-style corridor or passageway, or incorporate piping and sci-fi materials that we sell inside to create a cyberpunk or steampunk space with an oriental worldview.

Prices are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.












material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

arrangement 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2094045

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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