3D Sci-fi サブマシンガンXFQ658KL (3D Sci-fi サブマシンガンXFQ658KL) 3D Sci-fi サブマシンガンXFQ658KL

Content ID:2092716

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  • 4,000 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a futuristic submachine gun.

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Cyberpunk is sozairoten.cyber Fantasy is sozairoten.fantasy Steampunk is sozairoten.steam military is sozairoten.military for weapon armor sozairoten.bugu


サイバーパンク系はsozairoten.cyber ファンタジー関連はsozairoten.fantasy スチームパンク関連はsozairoten.steam 軍物はsozairoten.military 武器防具の場合はsozairoten.bugu

It is a gun that can be used for cyberpunk, steampunk, sci-fi, futuristic things, etc.

You can easily create a sense of the near future by having not only the main characters, but also the mob-like police, army, special forces, etc.

It is a XFQ658KL made by dew polymerization. (This is a fictitious setting.)
* This is a fictitious setting for those who are worried that when drawing using 3D materials, they will be covered with another author.

For details

(Logo of Soro Heavy Chemical Works). In addition, there is no particular need to use the above settings and models. You are free to use and modify it.

Rather than firing bullets, the muzzle is designed to be able to fire lasers or something else that is not envisioned at the moment.
If you want to fire bullets, you may be able to add them as needed.

The magazine department is integrated.
The trigger is object separately, so it is manual, but it can be moved.

The rear incorporates parts that can be used for a monitor. I think that by adding aiming, number of bullets, amount of energy, etc., you can make it more realistic and direct.

Prices are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.


素露重化工製 XFQ658KLです。(架空の設定です)







material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

arrangement 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2092716

Published : 15 days ago

Last updated : 7 days ago

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