Sunflower and Cloud Pendants

Content ID:2091645

Image Material set-up in Clip Studio Paint Pro (64 bit) Version 3.0.0 202403081422
My Sunflower Plant Photograph Manipulated into a pendant shape with clouds background from my cloud photograph. Added Clouds only Pendant.
300 DPI -- 1600 x 1600 px
Feel free to use in any way you like.
Image material that can be used however and whenever you want.
Material prices are subject to change without notice.

Sunflower Pendant

This Material would work great as jewelry scene in stories.

This image would work Great as Part of Your Picture or Use as Artwork Decorating a Room

-- Feel free to use in any way you like.

Old version

Content ID:2091645

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 3 months ago

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