Chinese Tea Ware Set (中国茶器セット) 中国茶器セット

Content ID:2089521

  • 20
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Chinese Tea Ware Set
You can move the tea bowl, lid bowl, tea sea, teacup, and tea bowl.
The tea board does not open.
The construction of the inside of the vessel is relatively sloppy.

Chinese tea set

Chinese tea set

There is also a separate sale of only the lid bowl.


Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

Place 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2089521

Published : 29 days ago

Last updated : 21 days ago

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ぽちぽちと小規模の3Dを作っています。Boothでも素材を取り扱っています。 It's fun for me to make small 3D models. You can also get my 3d models on Booth that allows payment by PayPal.