Sheer Drawing Doll - Woman (透けてるデッサン人形-女性) 透けてるデッサン人形-女性

Content ID:2089427

  • 43,859
  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D drawing figure in which the torso and arms are translucent to create a skeleton inside to make the three-dimensional structure easy to understand.
Since it is standard bone compliant, you can use pose materials.
(Fine adjustment may be required after applying the pose)

(In the image below, "apply light source" is turned on in the tool property)



Body ボディ

  • layfigure11csp2 layfigure11csp2

Update history

2024/5/19 rev. 1 2024/6/2 rev.2 - Adjust proportions - Change the color of the rib cage - Adjust the polygon shape of the joints - Add polygons to opaque cross-sections 2024/5/19 rev. 1
2024/6/2 rev.2
- プロポーションを調整
- 胸郭部の色を変更
- 関節のポリゴン形状を調整
- 不透明部の断面にポリゴンを追加

Old version

Content ID:2089427

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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