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Actionable! 3D 口にくわえたトマトと courgette. (可動式!3D口にくわえたトマトと胡瓜。) 可動式!3D口にくわえたトマトと胡瓜。

Content ID:2087911

  • 2,093
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)
This material may contain sensitive content. (See rating guidelines

Tomatoes and cucumber in the mouth. 口にくわえたトマトと胡瓜。

This is tomatoes and cucumbers.
Drag and drop on the screen.
tool property Open the bottom right sub tool detail
Select the object list and place it on the drawing doll.
Select the part you want to link by selecting the attachment destination part (head).

It is placed near the part, so adjust the position.
Then, it will move in conjunction with the part in the pose.

Cucumber and tomato are mobile and movable.
If you drag the tip of the cucumber while dragging it with the left mouse click, it will move flexibly.
Tomatoes can also be rotated around the root by clicking twice in editing.




Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

Place 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Moving 可動

Content ID:2087911

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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