French Chic Room (フレンチシック ルーム) フレンチシック ルーム

Content ID:2084977

  • 824
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a French chic room based on white and blue colors.
There are two types of wallpapers, floral and plain, which can be changed from the material presets.
In addition, there are two types of window designs: You can change the window design and the opening and closing of curtains from the layout presets.

Each object can be moved separately to open and close doors, drawers and windows of doors and furniture.
The hands of the watch and the stand mirror can also be rotated.

When performing LT conversion, set the detection accuracy to a higher level to make it easier to extract furniture patterns.

Illustrations and clock numbers are handwritten.




Doors, windows and drawers can be opened and closed.

The stand mirror can be rotated.



Material マテリアル

  • Wall_flower Wall_flower
  • Wall_plain Wall_plain

Place 配置

  • Window_A_open Window_A_open
  • Window_A_closed Window_A_closed
  • Window_B_open Window_B_open
  • Window_B_closed Window_B_closed

Update history

2024/5/12 Revised title and description 2024/5/12 タイトルと説明文の修正をしました

Old version

Content ID:2084977

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

成哉(なるや)'s profile Go to profile

とにかく作るのが好きな人。 主に3D素材を作っています。 LT変換時に線画やトーンが綺麗に出力できるようデータを調整したり、可能な限りデータの軽量化を図るようにしています。 素材の不具合や何かお気付きの点などありましたらダイレクトメッセージか、Xまでお気軽にご連絡ください。 特にファンタジー系、現代物、中世や近世ヨーロッパなど歴史系の素材作りが好きですが、ジャンルに捉われずに色々な作品を作っていきます。