Vending Machine Layer Set (自動販売機レイヤーセット) 自動販売機レイヤーセット

Content ID:2083748

  • 11,539

Thank you for your DL! We changed it to 30CP from 5/8. 沢山DL頂きありがとうございます!5/8より30CPに変更させていただきました。

This is the image material of a vending machine. (600dpi)

It will be a layer set in which the line art + solida + gresketone + highlights created by vector are separated.

It is divided as follows, and the vending machine body and the drink part are also separated.

(1) Line art only (2) Tone processing version

* Since the gradient part is put in white, the color can be changed in the fill state.

* In the case of manga, please toning the Greske part of the folder and use it.

Since the line drawing part is created vector layer, it can be scaled and the thickness of the line drawing can be changed. (Basically, it is a straight and curve tool creation, but there are also parts drawn with a pen)

Please feel free to use it by attaching it to the surface with a free transform in combination with the 3D material.




①線画のみ ②トーン処理版





Content ID:2083748

Published : 4 months ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

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