【3D】Cup Noodles (【3D】カップ麺) 【3D】カップ麺

Content ID:2082365

  • 299
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a vertical cup noodle.
It consists of only a container, lid, and splitter, and can be moved and displayed individually.
* "Splitter" is fixed in the form before breaking.
* There are no contents such as noodles or ingredients.

Please refer to the following image for the operation method and LT conversion image.


[LT conversion setting example]


Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

Place 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Update history

2024/4/27: Changed the text of the 3D main body and changed some images of explanations and usage examples. 2024/4/29: Some of the design of the 3D main body has been deleted, and some explanations and usage examples have been changed. 2024/4/27:3D本体の文字変更、解説・使用例の一部画像を変更しました

Old version

Content ID:2082365

Published : 10 months ago

Last updated : 10 months ago

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Blenderで3D制作を始めました!漫画・イラスト制作等にお役立て頂けるアイテム作りを目指します。 素材へのいいねやダウンロードありがとうございます、とても励みになります...!! SNSリンク:X(旧Twitter)、Bluesky