Bait Rod Winding 01 (ベイトロッド巻き01) ベイトロッド巻き01

Content ID:2077966

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Full-body pose when wrapping bait reel ベイトリールを巻いてる時の全身ポーズ

Full-body pose when wrapping bait reel

This is for left-hand drive, so use left-right inversion of the pose for right-hand drive.

"joint angle limit" is turned off and posed.
If the pose is changed due to fine adjustment, please turn it off.
The limit angle is surprisingly narrow, so if you don't turn it off, you may not be in the pose you want to do.

【Example of use】





Content ID:2077966

Published : 5 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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