Front head body ruler for beginners by beginners (A4 vertical 300 dpi) (入門者による入門者向けの正面頭身定規(A4縦300dpi)) 入門者による入門者向けの正面頭身定規(A4縦300dpi)
Content ID:2077153
It can be used as a set with the line material released last time. Even if you are told to draw in the 7th class, you don't know how to use the ruler. I don't want to be described as one-third the length of my face. I thought that there might be people who have the same problems as me, so I made the second installment. 前回公開した線素材とセットで使えます。7等身で描けと課題で言われても、定規の使い方が分からない。顔の3分の1の長さと説明されても困る。そんな私と同じ悩みを持った方が居るかもしれないと思いまして第2弾を作りました。