Dull color 252 colors (くすみカラー252色) くすみカラー252色

Content ID:2075832

  • 196

Dull color color set 252 colors

・ It is a dull color gradient set with reduced saturation.

・ The number of sets is 264, but when I made a gradient, I got 12 of the same color, so the number of colors is 252.
(I thought this color would be good as a gradation, so I left the duplicate parts the same color as they were.)
・ Assuming 8 columns of display, every 5 rows contains a colorless row for separation.

[Modified on 2024/03/29]
・ Corrected because the registered color was wrong in one place...... Sorry about that......
(8-column display, 2nd row from bottom, far left)
If you have already downloaded it, please download it again if you like......
くすみカラー カラーセット252色




Old version

Content ID:2075832

Published : 30 days ago

Last updated : 30 days ago

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ダウンロードもいいねもギフトも本当に嬉しいです!ありがとうございます!!! グラデーションはピコピコ計算して作っています。絵を描くよりカラー作りのほうが趣味になってきているかもしれない。