SpaceAnimaruzukai (すぺーすあにまるず改) すぺーすあにまるず改

Content ID:2067339

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Animaruzu loosely carrying the universe on his back. It is a seamless pattern for those who want to carry the universe on their backs with animals that match their character.
There are six types: cats, dogs, rabbits, bears, foxes, and raccoons.
Created in 600 dpi gray of 100mm × 100mm.

Corrected overall density and size. Compared to the one before the correction, the animal becomes clearer when it is reduced ... It is supposed to be.  

Use Case (B4 at 600dpi)
There are two patterns: one that is transparent and one that is filled with gray. The transparent one is white, so it can be pasted on a color background.

This is what happens when you toning gray.




Category 1 カテゴリ1

Old version

Content ID:2067339

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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色んなことに手を出しては、渋滞を起こしてる黒猫ぬいぐるみです。 なお現在手を出してるのは二次創作と一次創作漫画とゲームの作成。両立している訳では無い。