Headphones with a basic design.
The furry ear wind parts can be attached and detached in the layout.
Headphone earpiece and arm length
You can change it in the movable settings.
Material マテリアル
For lineart 線画用
Grayscale グレースケール
black+bluegreen black+bluegreen
white white
red red
pink+white pink+white
Place 配置
With furry ears ケモノ耳つき
Headphones only ヘッドホンのみ
pose parts 可動パーツ
Ear pads left 耳パッド左
Ear pads right 耳パッド右
arm telescopic right アーム伸縮右
arm telescopic left アーム伸縮左
Update history
up 20240105 up 20240105