Grass brush (草むらブラシ) 草むらブラシ

Content ID:2052348

  • 13

This brush is used when drawing grass. 草むらを描くとき用のブラシです。

It is a brush that randomly appears 5 types of grass images with solid grass.
* The motif is actual grass, but please note that the grass in this brush is a grass that does not exist in reality.

The image data used for the brush is monochrome raster layer.
The white part of the leaf is not transmitted, so it cannot be seen through even if it is drawn on top of each other.

Use Cases
If you use it with a larger size as it comes to the front, it will look like this.
Please use it in grassy areas such as fantasy and medicinal herb colonies.




Content ID:2052348

Published : 4 months ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

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