Cyber Wind Line Toolset (サイバー風ラインツールセット) サイバー風ラインツールセット

Content ID:2044843

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  • 50 GOLD
  • 100 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It's easy to look like an electronic circuit just by pulling it quickly (?). It is a set of straight line tools that allow you to draw lines with a cyber feel.

Please use the distortion tool and mesh transformation together to blend in with the illustration.
Also, after using the tool, it is recommended to process it with a glow effect, etc., as it will further increase the cyber feeling ◎

■ Number of materials: 3
The difference between each tool is the pattern and density of the line.

■ Color can be changed
Reflects the main or sub drawing color of the selected tool.



■ 収録素材数:3

■ 色変更可

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2044843

Published : 5 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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