Rainbow Pencil

Content ID:2035204

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A realistic rainbow pencil

Meant to replicate those multicolor rainbow pencils! Brush tips made with photos I took myself, so this brush tip is 100% unique. Great for colorful doodles! 

Color changes with pressure and is randomized with stroke. To make a more uniform color, select a sub color and increase the blend with sub color option.

Examples below are done with red color, with sub color intensity at a 0. The pencil overlaps with itself realistically, allowing for multi-stroke lines to look more uniform.

 The default settings make a very vibrant brush with random color variation, but that can be easily adjusted to fit the needs of the piece by changing pressure settings and sub color settings. And, if you just want a colored pencil brush with realistic blending, you can turn off the color jitter settings.

Content ID:2035204

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

Artichoke23's profile Go to profile

Hello! I'm new to modeling, and new to creating assets for csp. Have a good day!