Smoke Brush Set Ver.2.0 (煙霧ブラシセット ver.2.0) 煙霧ブラシセット ver.2.0

Content ID:2035201

  • 4,794

This is a set of smoke and mist brush materials that collect various shape patterns that can be used to depict cigarette smoke.

■ Number of materials: 12 brush materials
■ Color can be changed ◎ (only main drawing color is reflected)
* The tip shape material of the brush is produced with gray layers.
Please note that brushes are not intended to be used on monochrome layers.


■ 収録素材数:ブラシ素材 12点
■ 色変更可◎(メイン描画色のみ反映されます)

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

■ Stock sheet updated(2023.09.30) - Changed the name of the old ver brush material and fine-tuned the tool settings. ・ Deleted the following 3 old ver brush materials 【Smoke Brush/Purple Smoke】、【Fog Moya Brush/Cloud Mist】、【Fog Moya Brush/Narrow Mist】 ・ Added 5 new brushes ■ 素材集をアップデート(2023.09.30)

Old version

Content ID:2035201

Published : 7 months ago

Last updated : 7 months ago

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