【Class Materials】Model_Male_Sitting Pose (【授業資料】お手本_男性_座りポーズ) 【授業資料】お手本_男性_座りポーズ

Content ID:2031129

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This is a class material for the illustration course "3D drawing figure training and tutorials" of the drawing course Palmie.

* Those who do not take the Palmie course can use it freely.


Based on the sitting pose before adjustment, this is the completed version of the pose data that has been adjusted according to the rough illustration prepared by the teacher.

Please use it as a model for your classes.

* It is distributed in a state of fine adjustment after recording to the created material as a demonstration.
Detailed figures may differ slightly from those at the time of the demonstration.




Content ID:2031129

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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