Basic Tone + Sand Grain Tone Set (基本トーン+砂目トーンセット) 基本トーン+砂目トーンセット

Content ID:2029801

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It is a set of basic tones and sandy grain tones.

・Basic tone (60 wires 10%~60%)
・Sand grain tone (5%~50% x noise size 30,40,60,80,100)

・基本トーン(60線 10%~60%)
・砂目トーン(5%~50% x ノイズサイズ30,40,60,80,100)

* When I first uploaded the same material, I mistakenly added a lot of other layers. Excuse me! Because I deleted it in a hurry, it is not an update but a different material.

It is a layer set that I made to make it difficult & easy to make mistakes. You can use it without worrying about the details (should)!

▼How to use

It is OK if you paint the included layer with one black color. There is no need to change the density of the pen, etc., and you can paint more and more with only black.

▼ Explanation of basic tone (60 lines 10%~60%)

The intensity is set for each layer density and toning together in folders.

The merits of toning together in folders are:
・ If it overlaps with 10% tone + 20% tone, it will be properly reduced to 30% without adjusting the layer.
・It is difficult to cause unintentional moiré
・ Easy to change the number of lines all at once
That's the point.

If you want to change the number of lines, you can change the number of lines of tone all at once by changing the numerical value of [layer property] > [number of tone lines] in the "Tone 60 lines" folder.

The 10% tone is made by clipping a layer called "White 10% Scrape".

1. Apply to the "10%" layer
2. Paint the place you want to shave with black on the "10% white scrape" layer

Only the "10% white scrape" layer is included as a sample, but you can delete it if you don't need it. If you want to use other %, duplicate it and clip the layer you want to scrape.

▼Sand Grain Tone(5%~50% x Noise Size 30,40,60,80,100)

Each layer is toning and the dot settings is set to "Noise".

5%~50% are grouped in folders by %. Inside are layers with noise sizes of 30, 40, 60, 80, and 100.

If the dot settings is set to "noise" in the toning of the CLIP STUDIO, the appearance will be different from the actual one when the thumbnail is displayed.

In order to make it easy to understand how dense and how strong the noise is, the following sample image is placed in a layer called "sand grain sample".

Please display it as necessary and use it for confirmation.





▼基本トーン(60線 10%~60%)の説明



もし線数を変更したい場合は、「トーン60線」フォルダの [レイヤープロパティ] > [トーン線数] の数値を変更することで、まとめてトーンの線数を変更することが可能です。

10%トーンには「白 10%削り」というレイヤーをクリッピングして作ってあります。

1. 「10%」レイヤーに塗る
2. 削りたい場所を「白10%削り」レイヤーに黒で塗る


▼砂目トーン(5%~50% x ノイズサイズ30,40,60,80,100)






Tone Set トーンセット

Content ID:2029801

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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