School desks (3 types of old and new) (学校机(新旧3種類)) 学校机(新旧3種類)

Content ID:2009143

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D model material that contains "school desks and chairs," which are changing in shape as the Times go by.

Three types of school desks and one chair are available.

It will be easy to draw separate from the old school and the present school depending on the age.

The 3D model can be increased by copy and paste, so it also leads to the overwhelming shortening of the drawing time.




About the recorded materials

Includes 3 types of school desks and 1 type of chair.

The shape of school desks in Japan is changing with the update of Japanese Industrial Standards. With this 3D model set, you can easily draw from old to new.
It is close to the size of a real school desk, so it can be used in combination with a 3D pose model. Each desk has a different shape, but the size itself is the same.
Desk (top): H70cm W65cm D46cm / Chair (seat): H42cm W36cm D39cm

3D model materials can be used by dragging and dropping them onto the canvas.

At that time, the desk and chair are set to be displayed as a pair.


How to switch desks

By default, "Desk A" is set to be displayed.

If you want to switch to "Desk B" or "Desk C", you can easily switch between them by simply selecting the one you like from the "Layout Presets".
There are multiple layouts for all three types of desks, so you don't have to use manipulator to move the 3D model around.

The desk and chair can also be displayed independently.


All 6 color variations

You can easily change the color of the 3D model from "Material Presets".

It is useful when using the 3D model as it is, or when converting LT to make line drawings.

How to move the desk and chair

From the "pose parts Preset", it is possible to move the desk and chair back and forth respectively. This is useful when depicting a character standing or sitting. Since it moves 1 cm per scale, it can move up to 1 m.

If you use the 3D copy and paste function, you can easily draw a large number of desks.

CSP has the ability to copy and paste 3D models, making it easy to place a classroom's worth of desks.
  1. Place the 3D model you want to increase on the canvas and left-click to select it.
  2. Copy the model with Ctrl+C and paste it with Ctrl+V.
  3. Click and select the 3D model again and move it to the desired location.
  4. After that, just press Ctrl + V any number of times and it will be placed automatically.

object can be arranged freely

The 3D model can be moved freely in the canvas and can be scaled and rotated freely. It can also be easily placed stationary in the air at any angle you like.

You can easily adjust the perspective by scrolling the wheel of the 3D model.


Recommended settings when placing 3D models

When working with a 3D model, you can click the magnet mark to turn on the 3D model snap function, which greatly improves work efficiency.

You will be able to rotate the 3D model at a certain angle, which is useful when you just want to rotate it 90 or 180 degrees.

In addition, landmarks appear when multiple 3D models are lined up, so it is possible to align the 3D models with each other.


About LT conversion

If you use the LT conversion function provided in "CLIP STUDIO PAINT (EX version)", you can convert 3D models to line drawings, etc.
In addition to usage examples, more diverse expressions are possible by changing the canvas and LT conversion settings.

Recommended canvas setting (Size: B5 / Screen Resolution: 600dpi)
Recommended LT conversion settings (line width: 1px / detection accuracy: 90)


LT conversion example

The 3D model material can be used in combination with other 3D model materials such as 3D pose models.

The 3D pose models in the use cases are the default body types of 160 cm and 175 cm.


机(天板):H70cm W65cm D46cm / 椅子(座面):H42cm W36cm D39cm





初期状態では「Desk A」が表示されるように設定しています。

「Desk B」か「Desk C」に切り替えたい場合は、『レイアウトのプリセット』から好きな方を選択するだけで簡単に切り替えられます。









  1. 増やしたい3Dモデルをキャンバスに配置して、左クリック選択します。
  2. モデルをCtrl+Cでコピーして、Ctrl+Vで貼り付けます。
  3. 再び当該3Dモデルをクリック選択して好きな場所に移動させます。
  4. あとはCtrl+Vを任意の回数押すだけで自動的に配置されていきます。











『CLIP STUDIO PAINT(EX版)』に備わっているLT変換という機能を使えば、3Dモデルを線画などに変換できます。使用例以外にも、キャンバスやLT変換の設定を変えることで更に多様な表現が可能です。

推奨キャンバス設定(サイズ:B5 / 画面解像度:600dpi)
推奨LT変換設定(線幅:1px / 検出精度:90)





Material マテリアル

  • 1 1
  • 2 2
  • 3 3
  • 4 4
  • 5 5
  • 6 6

disposition 配置

  • Desk A Desk A
  • Desk B Desk B
  • Desk C Desk C
  • A 1 A 1
  • A 2 A 2
  • A 3 A 3
  • A 4 A 4
  • A 5 A 5
  • A 6 A 6
  • B 1 B 1
  • B 2 B 2
  • B 3 B 3
  • B 4 B 4
  • B 5 B 5
  • B 6 B 6
  • C 1 C 1
  • C 2 C 2
  • C 3 C 3
  • C 4 C 4
  • C 5 C 5
  • C 6 C 6
  • Chair Chair

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Chair Chair
  • Desk A Desk A
  • Desk B Desk B
  • Desk C Desk C

Update history

1. Publishing of materials 2. Integration of materials. Fixed material shape. Added each preset (material color, layout, movable). 1.素材の公開

Old version

Content ID:2009143

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 9 months ago

やっこ|YAKKO's profile Go to profile

CLIPPY以外で購入したい方のために、BOOTHとACONで同じ素材を販売しています。BOOTH版とACON版は、CLIP STUDIO ASSETS版に更なる調整を施したアップデート版となっています(今後CSA版の素材のアップデート予定はありません)。