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Content ID:2007383

  • 450

black and white background of a cobblestone street with screentone-like look black and white background of a cobblestone street with screentone-like look

This was more of a test to turna photo into a somewhat outline-like picture with "screentone" additions. I want to try to make a manga-page like illustration but chose a difficult picture to test the various features.

But I kind of like the final result. And while I maight not need it, someone else might find it useful.
So enjoy and have fun with this background illustration.

ca. 3,000 x 4,000 px
This was more of a test to turna photo into a somewhat outline-like picture with "screentone" additions. I want to try to make a manga-page like illustration but chose a difficult picture to test the various features.

But I kind of like the final result. And while I maight not need it, someone else might find it useful.
So enjoy and have fun with this background illustration.

ca. 3,000 x 4,000 px

Content ID:2007383

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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