CHIBI BASES limited time for free!! (CHIBI BASES limited time for free!!) CHIBI BASES limited time for free!!

Content ID:1996962

  • 151

Chibi bases for personal use, have fun!! Chibi bases for personal use, have fun!!

Chibi bases for personal use, adoptables...

The bases are meant to be used as a sketch so they have the guidelines necessary to draw your own face on top for a personalyzed character or use the one I provide in one of the assets.

Here is an example of how it might look finished, doing the lineart, clothes and colored
the images shound be resizable so feel free to edit them as much as you want
Chibi bases for personal use, adoptables...

The bases are meant to be used as a sketch so they have the guidelines necessary to draw your own face on top for a personalyzed character or use the one I provide in one of the assets.

Here is an example of how it might look finished, doing the lineart, clothes and colored
the images shound be resizable so feel free to edit them as much as you want

bases bases

Content ID:1996962

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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