Chibi Chara big hed with other size (Chibi Chara big hed with other size) Chibi Chara big hed with other size

Content ID:1994566

  • 564
  • 500 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a small character body that emulate 24 different models with a combination of head size and body size.

  • Please drag it to the canvas after downloading.
  • There is a shadow in the texture, the light angle is fixed.
  • The standard bone has already been set and can be applied pose.
  • There are four types of bodies, three different sizes of heads, and two different gender models.

  • ダウンロード後にキャンバスにドラッグしてください。
  • テクスチャに影が入っています、光源の角度が固定です。
  • 標準ボーン設定済です、ポーズ適用できます。
  • ボディの種類が4種類、ヘッドの大きさ違いが3種類、性別モデルの違いで2種類です。

  • Body ボディ

    • chibi_body_Male chibi_body_Male
    • chibi_body_Female chibi_body_Female
    • chibi_body_Male_short chibi_body_Male_short
    • chibi_body_Female_short chibi_body_Female_short
    • chibi_body_Female_micro chibi_body_Female_micro
    • chibi_body_male_micro chibi_body_male_micro
    • chibi_body_Female_micro_fat chibi_body_Female_micro_fat
    • chibi_body_Male_micro_fat chibi_body_Male_micro_fat

    Face フェイス

    • chibi_Hed100% chibi_Hed100%
    • chibi_Hed80% chibi_Hed80%
    • chibi_Hed60% chibi_Hed60%

    Old version

    Content ID:1994566

    Published : 1 year ago

    Last updated : 1 year ago

    黄鼠[YellowRat]'s profile Go to profile

    二次絵から3Dまで、なんでも手を出す下手の横好き、猫好き、眼鏡っ娘好き。 カバーはフォントから背景まで全部自作でぃす。 For oversea person When you wish contact to me, please use DM on assets.DM on x, those are almost SPAM. So I don't read that.