M16A2 automatic rifles. It is a rifle that was active in the time of the Gulf War. Changes are
-The barrel is thicker to use a SS109 bullet
-The slit of anti-inflammatory system is no longer the lower side
-The hand guard is divided into a cylindrical vertical split type
Addition of cartridge deflector
Change from fire to three-point burst
Rear sight on the dial type
Buttstock extension
Change the shape of the bolt forward assist knob.
-Finger channel added to grip
And so on.
Material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
bayonet bayonet
pose parts 可動パーツ
trigger trigger
hundle hundle
cover cover
case case
Update history
Promulgation starts: 230308 頒布開始:230308