Flame effect Material set ver. 2.0 (炎エフェクト素材セット ver.2.0) 炎エフェクト素材セット ver.2.0

Content ID:1975923

  • 3,687
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a set of materials for adding flame-based effects to the illustration.

Number of ■ Materials: 9
Brush Material: 8 points
Gradient set Material: 1 point

■ For color works
Please refer to the material description for the color change of the brush material.
Also, when using the brush material, it is recommended to change the layer mode to [addition (light-emitting)], [screen], [Comparison (Ming)], etc. ◎

[Fireball Brush] is a brush material that can change the color.
The color of your choice can be reflected in the main sub color of the drawing color, layer color, gradient map layer, etc.

The ↑ sample is colored using a gradient in the flame gradient ver. 2.0 on a fireball drawn with a black-and-white drawing color.
The gradient has ten patterns.

[Flame Loop Brush] is a color fixed brush material.
The main sub color of the drawing color will not be reflected, so please change it to the color of your choice in tonal correction function or gradient map layer.

It is a feeling that burning of the fire increases and the feeling is good when I put a movable blur, and combine a spray of the fire. ◎

The same as the fireball brush, it is a brush material that the color is possible to change.
[Fire Powder Spray Glow/Glow2] will reflect the main sub color of the drawing color, but the [spray of fire powder] will be reflected only main color.


■ 収録素材数:9

■ カラー作品向け


↑のサンプルは、黒白の描画色で描いた火の玉に【炎グラデーション ver.2.0】内のグラデーションを使用して色をつけています。



【火の粉スプレー Glow/Glow2】は描画色のメイン・サブカラーが反映されますが、【火の粉スプレー】はメインカラーのみ反映されます。

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

■ Material collection Updated (2023.01.12) Renewal of brushes, gradient set materials -[Raging brush] → [fire loop] change name -Add two new materials → 【 Fire Powder spray Glow/Glow2 】 ■素材集をアップデートしました(2023.01.12)
→【火の粉スプレー Glow/Glow2】

Old version

Content ID:1975923

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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