25 color eye set in 600 DPI A3 size for the best quality possible!
Are you lazy like me?
Do you want to continue being lazy while creating quality art?
Wellp, here's a time saver then! Your life will be way easier with these!
They're highly inspired by the way I recently started drawing eyes and I wanted to create a larger collection since I couldn't find anything of the sort on the asset store especially with the kind of consistency I wanted. These eyes don't have the added white highlights so they won't mess with your light direction too much and you can add them on your own later!
As for how you can use them, well here's how I do:
You can blur the outer edge to create a faded effect using the blur brush (not gaussian blur, you'll lose the juicy details).
To do that, go to your blur brush tool, into tool settings and find a setting that will allow you to switch your blur intensity to a fixed value.
Then use that to just blur the outer edges.
Alternatively if you do want to use gaussian blur, duplicate your eye layer after you've put them in place. Move the copied layer below your eye layer, and use gaussian blur on that instead. It may not provide the same effect though.
Alternatively again, you can just do your typical line art, and plop these into a fill of that lineart using clipping masks.
Or you can just leave it as is, no lineart around it, no fading or anything.
If you haven't already, join my discord server for art/design/writing and many other creative hobbies and critiques for them as well as asset freebies every time I publish them