Oil (mixed color) (油彩 (色混ぜのばし)) 油彩 (色混ぜのばし)

Content ID:1946009

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When I paint thick, it is a brush used when I paint a color of the base, and blur, mix color, and extend it. 厚塗りするとき、下地のカラーを塗ったあと、ぼかしたり、色を混ぜたり、伸ばしたりするときに使う筆です。

The brush that I use when I want to mix and mix well with an oil painting brush which I enter from a beginning in a CLIP STUDIO.

Oil painting-thick coating
It is a brush to use when I want to paint thick. Free

First, I painted the base on oil, which has been in the CLIP STUDIO since the beginning.
Then use this brush to stretch and mix the colors you want to mix with the base color.
The color taste changes at the start of the brush. Please try.



Content ID:1946009

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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