MotorCycle_G2_test (MotorCycle_G2_test) MotorCycle_G2_test

Content ID:1945985

  • 1,105

This is an image created to check the balance of new 3D material, which is expected to be released soon. I hope I can help you with your creations. A 2D-test image of a 3D object that is going to be released soon. Caution: The 3D object is not for an up date. 近日公開される予定の新規3D素材(アップデートではありません)のバランス確認用に作成された画像です。創作のお役に立てれば幸いです。A 2D - test image of a 3D object which is going to be released soon. Caution: The 3D object is not for an up date.

Content ID:1945985

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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Clip Modeler、Metasequoia、Shade でモデリングしてます。素材のご依頼があればお気軽にどうぞ! Please feel free to ask me to make an object you want.