Point is thigh female body (ポイントは太もも女子素体) ポイントは太もも女子素体

Content ID:1942458

  • 490
  • 500 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a body plump thigh.

  • Please drag it to the canvas after downloading.
  • There is a shadow in the texture, the light angle is fixed.
  • The standard bone has already been set and can be applied pose.
  • I gave a physical settings that the twist of the arm becomes from under the elbow.

  • I saw a story that the hand return of the body of the CLIP STUDIO PAINT in the TL of Twitter is wrong.
    It thought that it was so if it said so, and it wanted to devise in physical settings.

    Usually the wrist twists like the bottom, but this doesn't really fit the movement of the human body.

    Then, I tried to like a twist to enter the area of the elbow. It works in conjunction with the palm of your hand.
    It was not possible to change the orientation to the elbow indeed.

    I put the physical settings that drew the back of the modeler according to an example.
    Eyes move in opposition to movement of the head, Force Leer setting.

  • ダウンロード後にキャンバスにドラッグしてください。
  • テクスチャに影が入っています、光源の角度が固定です。
  • 標準ボーン設定済です、ポーズ適用できます。
  • 腕のひねりが肘下からになる物理設定を施しました。

  • TwitterのTLでクリペの素体の手の返しは間違ってると言う話を見かけまして。




    Body ボディ

    • Body Body

    Old version

    Content ID:1942458

    Published : 2 years ago

    Last updated : 2 years ago

    黄鼠[YellowRat]'s profile Go to profile

    二次絵から3Dまで、なんでも手を出す下手の横好き、猫好き、眼鏡っ娘好き。 カバーはフォントから背景まで全部自作でぃす。 For oversea person When you wish contact to me, please use DM on assets.DM on x, those are almost SPAM. So I don't read that.