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Content ID:1941737

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Soft pressure pen for line picking 선따기용 부드러운 필압펜

(Fix the problem in clip studio and re-upload)

It's just a sun-picking pen. It's great to use it for webtoons.
The sketch is 1200 horizontal with 6 brushes
Good for thin line, bold line picking

Below is a usage example by pen line thickness.
It is characterized by a pointy crab, and if you paint it for coloring, it will be like that...
We recommend setting the opacity.
(클립스튜디오에서 문제되는점 수정 후 재업로드)

그냥 선따는 펜입니다. 웹툰용으로 사용하면 좋습니다.
밑그림은 1200가로에 6브러쉬 쓴건데
얇은선, 굵은선 선따기용에 좋습니다

밑에는 펜선 굵기별 사용예시이며
뾰족한게 특징으로 채색용으로 칠하면 저렇게 되긴하는데......
불투명도 설정하고 하는거 추천합니다.

Content ID:1941737

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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