Hair Atari 3 (髪アタリ 3) 髪アタリ 3

Content ID:1937528

  • 6
  • 1,000 CLIPPY

It is the third brush to draw the Atari hair.

I created a new hair brush and updated it.
The setting of this 1000CP is 100CP because it was not downloaded one by 10CP when the first bullet was put out, and it is only the history which became 1000CP because one was not downloaded with 100CP when the second bullet was put out.

I don't think this brush is worth a worldly 1000CP. It is the one and only brush that I made because I need it, but the brush of the evaluation with a low value in the world. The anxious person will not have to dare to buy it.

Personally, I think I've got a good one.
This time, the color changes with the selection color.




Old version

Content ID:1937528

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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