Gnome or Goblin

Content ID:1922693

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A body-type for gnomes/goblins.

EDIT 2022-05-26: Size adjusted to be not quite so small, more typical of examples shown in fantasy genre.

A model that has been adjusted to default to the body-type of a gnome or goblin.

This allows for height, weight, and body curve to be adjusted relative to an average gnome or goblin instead of an average human. (Note how small the numbers for "Height" are.)

Have fun!

Old version

Content ID:1922693

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

BekahMcCue's profile Go to profile

Writer, cartoonist, and general comic fangirl. Insitute of Art and Design creative writing major, comic arts minor. (she/her/hers)