Animal and plant embroidery brushes 21 species (動物と植物の刺繍ブラシ21種) 動物と植物の刺繍ブラシ21種

Content ID:1909257

  • 722

It is a set of decoration brushes for color illustrations.
The resolution of the tip image was created with 350dpi and embroidered texture.
What has been pre-colored, what you can change the color of your choice, there are 21 species in all together in addition to the bonus.

A sample of moving a pen straight

A sample that snaps to a figure ruler or curves loosely in a freehand curve

For the color change brush, set the main color and sub color to the color of your choice.

Most of them are set to ribbon brushes.
If it is difficult to handle it depending on the dominant hand or use, please adjust to rotate the orientation of the tip image.

Brushes that do not have a check on the Ribbon can adjust the pattern density by the number of stroke intervals.
The pattern orientation is set to direction of line, so it might be a good idea to check [brush tip] to [orientation] → [pen orientation] if it is awkward.
If you are spraying, check the spraying effect to direction of particle → direction of whole spray to have the same pattern orientation.

When enlarged, the texture is emphasized.

The pattern might shine in the darker background.
It is also recommended to subject the texture of the fabric, to change the color of your choice in tonal correction and gradient map.

It is a meat sphere brush of the embroidery-like texture that can change the color.









Color fixation カラー固定

For color change (created in gray) 色変更用(グレースケールで作成)

Bonus おまけ

Old version

Content ID:1909257

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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自然風景や動物、植物、こまごましたものが好きです。 DLありがとうございます。お役に立てば嬉しいです🌷