color palette generator

Content ID:1904155

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a color palette generator cause i'm cool like that

ayo what's poppin are you tired of making color palettes by hand like a neanderthal? well i have just the solution for you. introducing the color palette generator. here's how to use this bad boy:

and boom just like like that you get all the pussy. alpha males everywhere will quake in their shoes at the sight of you.
it works best when you avoid the edges of the color picker, fam. just so you know.

alright. that's it. sheepy boy out, peace.

edit: to stop the brush from tapering at the edges, go to settings> brush size> click on the little button next to brush size that has 2 ticks on it> turn off pressure and tilt. alternatively using shift to make the line straight works just as well.

Content ID:1904155

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

kinocomix's profile Go to profile

Hi i'm kinocomix. I make a webcomic called Almost home. Also brushes now apparently. yes my banner is eggs.