Fillin' pen

Content ID:1901955

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A pen to fill in flat colors easier

A pen I whipped up to fill in flat color under the line art. It's not perfect, but it works better than tracing the outline by hand and filling it.


After you finish your line work, set the layer or folder to 'Reference'. (the icon above the layer box that looks a little like a lighthouse) 
It works best with line art that is closed, but a few small gaps shouldn't make too much of an issue.

make a layer under  your line art for your flat colors and use the pen, keeping at least half of the pen inside where you want the color, other wise it will start filling the outside.

For linework that might have small gaps around that don't fill in as easily, either go in with a smaller size brush or go to the subtool detail window (the wrench icon) the 'anti-overflow' at the bottom. Change the tolerance up and it should fill them in, though it may go out more than you want if you up it too much.


Content ID:1901955

Published : 7 months ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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