wave (波)

Content ID:1893434

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A brush that can draw the effect of a wave from left to right. 左から右へ引くことで波の効果を描画できるブラシです。

A brush that can draw the effect of a wave from left to right.

Because it is corresponding to pressure, and the upside is reversed when I pull from a right to the left, if you want to use the composition of the reverse side, please use the left and right flip.

It becomes ① at the pull once.

The ② is piled up more than once, and it becomes ③ when the sandy beach and spray are added.

Because the ① becomes the lightness of the original, please change the lightness as appropriate when you use it.






Content ID:1893434

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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