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Content ID:1889714

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Pigtail Brush
땋은 머리 브러시

There are a lot of pretty pigtail brushes, but strangely, I didn't have anything to use...
Let's write hair drawn with hard, patternless lines when you need it.

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What if I set it horizontal/vertical? It feels like the thickness is different, but it doesn't make much difference.


예쁜 땋은 머리 브러시는 많은데 이상하게 내가 쓸 건 없더라... 
단단하고 무늬가 없는 선으로 그린 머리카락이 필요할 때 씁시다.

배경투명화 처리되어 있습니다.

수평/수직 설정하면 조금? 두께가 달라지는 기분인데 별다른 차이는 없습니다.


Content ID:1889714

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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